



Fun and love, your summer task

by - Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not sure if it’s just luck or I really have a way of getting to meet really cool people online, sure it might help that I work as a fashion blogger... i think :). But now let’s be honest, it’s nice to get to meet people online and find interesting things about them before actually meeting them in person.

And it’s even better that you can actually get the chance to find out a lot more about them, Google helps a lot with that.  That’s why my summer task is to try free online dating. Well not sure if I’m gonna meet prince charming but that would be nice :p. Let’s hope prince Harry isn't that busy with the Olympics and get to message me for a coffee, at least an online coffee :P.

What about you lovelies, ever tried online dating or at least some pen pal activity? Let me know in the comment section below!

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